Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s latest patch fixes two things that bugged me

By and large, I haven’t run into very many bugs in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. It’s been quite a polished game at launch. But of course, pobody’s nerfect, and Veilguard’s latest patch just so happens to fix two specific things that have bothered me.

Number one: “New rings can now be compared against both equipped ring slots.” This is amazing news for me, a person who is still only halfway through this video game and in the thick of collecting and equipping new items. Like many RPGs before it, Veilguard lets your character equip multiple rings that each have different magical enhancements, but when you get a new ring, you previously couldn’t compare it to both of the rings you already had equipped. You could only compare it to one of your equipped rings at a time. Annoying, obviously, and fixed now.

Here’s my second piece of good news: “Fixed some instances where unintended music or sound effects would play.” This likely addresses the only significant bug I ran into while playing Veilguard, which only happened one time, but which involved that super-catchy battle music continuing to play after I had long since defeated my enemies. After walking around town enduring it for upwards of 20 minutes, I eventually just went back to the Lighthouse and it finally stopped. Thank goodness it did, because I really didn’t want to have to turn off the soundtrack entirely. It’s gorgeous — and composed by Hans Zimmer and Lorne Balfe, by the way.

The full patch notes include a big range of fixes, including many references to problems that haven’t come up for me, such as “Rook’s body shape no longer changes unexpectedly after a cutscene with Emmrich” and “Adjusted an odd facial expression when Rook first meets Emmrich” (these made me laugh and I’m kind of sorry I didn’t get to see them in action). It’s worth scrolling through the full list, which I’ve included below, to see if any of your personal bugbears made the cut. I’m glad mine did.

Check out the rest of the patch notes below, via EA.

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