How to complete the ‘Encore’ Exotic mission and earn Choir of One in Destiny 2

The “Encore” Exotic mission is the big finale of Destiny 2’s first episode, “Echoes.” In it, you’ll dive into a Vex-infested jungle to take on The Conductor and earn yourself the first special weapon auto rifle in the Destiny franchise, Choir of One.

In this Destiny 2 guide, we’ll walk you through how to complete the “Encore” Exotic mission and craft the Choir of One Exotic for yourself.

How to leave the opening area in ‘Encore’ in Destiny 2

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

When you first arrive in the “Encore” mission, you’ll be trapped on a plateau with no mission marker to point you in the right direction. Like most Exotic missions, solving the “where am I supposed to go” puzzle is your first challenge.

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

There are a couple of red herrings in this area, which will lead you to dead ends. Where you actually want to go is to the far right of the arena, east of the massive orb. You’ll see a cut in the wall that leads up to a steep ramp — look for the blue lights to the east of the kneeling Minotaur statue if you’re having trouble. Follow the path up to the top and then look to your left and down at the big ball. You’ll see a hole at the top of the ball. Jump into it.

Once you reach the bottom, follow the lights forward, avoiding the pits. Jump past the giant smasher and hug the wall on your left. When you reach the end of the wall, jump down to the gap on your right. Continue forward until you reach an elevator platform. Stand on the landing for the elevator and wait for the one on the right to appear. Ride it up, walk forward, jump onto the moving platform, and then onto the spire in the middle of the room.

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

Once on the spire, take a series of two elevators up to the very top. Walk down into the two slides and jump to the main platform in the middle of the new room. Straight ahead, look for the piston that crushes into the slide below. Do not take the slide, and instead ride the piston up. Do this again with the second piston you encounter.

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

Proceed forward and slide down into the small corridor. Instead of going left here — which looks initially like it’s the only option — walk forward and turn right. You’ll find a pit that’s filled with purple light. Jump down the hole.

Take the right path forward once you land and you’ll find your first Vex Module // CONNECTION node.

How to solve the first puzzle in ‘Encore’ in Destiny 2

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

A bulk of the “Encore” mission is spent in these Vex Module puzzles, which involve you picking up a module — either in the environment or from an enemy — and plugging them into a corresponding node, which in turn causes something to happen. For most of this first puzzle, you’ll only be using CONNECTION, which is the green module.

Once you find the hub, take a right and go down the path. This is where the puzzle begins. Here is your quick, step-by-step breakdown of puzzle 1:

  • Enter the puzzle and turn left after the first bridge and uninstall CONNECTION module #1 from CONNECTION node #1.
  • Install CONNECTION module #1 into CONNECTION node #2, which is in the center of the room, across from the wall with the three red diamonds.
  • Access the vex spire switch that manifest on the CONNECTION node #2 bridge.
A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

  • Uninstall CONNECTION module #1 and install it in CONNECTION node #3, which is on the left side of the arena.
  • Cross the CONNECTION node #3 bridge and jump through the open wall to flip the second vex spire switch.
A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

  • Grab CONNECTION module #1 from node #3 and take it downstairs to install into CONNECTION node #4, which is across the small Radiolaria river.
  • Cross the CONNECTION node #4 bridge into the side room, kill the enemies, and pick up the PARTITION module.
A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

  • Plug the PARTITION module into the PARTITION node to make the wall to your left dissolve.
  • Go through the now-open wall to pick up CONNECTION module #1 from CONNECTION node #4, and plug it into CONNECTION node #5, which is next to the PARTITION node.
  • Cross the CONNECTION node #5 bridge and access the third and final spire switch.
  • Grab CONNECTION module #1 from node #5 and return to node #2 via the PARTITION wall, leaving the PARTITION module installed.
  • Install CONNECTION module #1 into CONNECTION node #2 and walk across the bridge, through the now open wall.
A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

  • Follow the path until you find CONNECTION module #2 on a pedestal.
  • Grab CONNECTION module #2 and run back to CONNECTION node #1 as fast as possible.
  • Install CONNECTION module #2 into CONNECTION node #1 and collect CONNECTION module #1 from CONNECTION node #2.
  • Take CONNECTION module #1 across the CONNECTION node #1 bridge and back to the main area of the mission.
A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

  • Defeat the enemies before finally plugging CONNECTION module #1 into CONNECTION node #6, which is on the edge of the cliff.

How to solve the second puzzle in ‘Encore’ in Destiny 2

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

Head across the new platform and then jump down into the cylinder on your left once you reach the lake of Radiolaria. Jump to the larger spire and walk around to the left to reach the booster. Take it to the next level, then take the next booster, and the third booster after that.

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

Once you reach the next room, clear out the enemies that appear. Keep clearing until everything is gone and you’re left with a Vex Module // PARTITION on the ground. Grab it and plug it into the node straight across from where you entered. When the wall disappears, head inside and take the booster up to the second level.

This is where the puzzle actually starts. Here is your quick, step-by-step breakdown of puzzle 2:

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

  • On the second floor, acquire ACCESS module #1 off the pedestal
  • Plug ACCESS module #1 into ACCESS node #1 to create a portal
  • Take the ACCESS node #1 portal to the circular arena and clear out the Vex
A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

  • Pick up ACCESS module #2 off the ground in the circular arena
A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

  • Install ACCESS module #2 into ACCESS node #2 on the right side of the arena.
  • Take the ACCESS node #2 portal back to ACCESS node #1.
  • Uninstall ACCESS module #1 and return to the circular arena via the ACCESS node #2 portal.
  • Install ACCESS module #1 into the ACCESS node #3, resting against the wall in the arena.
  • Grab the CONNECTION module out of CONNECTION node #1, in the arena.
  • Take the CONNECTION module through the ACCESS node #3 portal an install it in CONNECTION node#2, which is to the right.
  • Go back through the ACCESS node #3 portal and unplug ACCESS module #2 from ACCESS node #2.
A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

  • Go back through the ACCESS node #3 portal and plug ACCESS module #2 into ACCESS node #4, which is on the CONNECTION node #2 bridge.

How to defeat Eexonios and Iziira in ‘Encore’ in Destiny 2

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

When you head through the final portal in the second puzzle, you’ll emerge in the Vex Jungle Construct for the mission’s first of two boss fights, which is actually a double boss fight with a Tormentor and a Subjugator.

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

When you step forward and start the fight, Eexonios, Pledged to Yirix, will appear. Use a precision weapon or Microcosm to deal with this thing. Once you take down the first segment of its health bar, it’ll retreat, allowing you to grab the Vex Module // ACCESS in the arena. Use it on the ACCESS node on the right side of the arena.

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

On the other side of the portal, you’ll meet Iziira, Pledged to Yirix, a Tormentor. Use precision weapons to pop its shoulders, which should be enough damage to cause it to retreat. It’ll drop another ACCESS module. Grab it and install it in the node at the end of the room.

Hop into the portal and you’ll find Eexonios waiting for you on the other side. Carefully take its health down another third — watching for the Stasis crystals and the legion of enemies in the arena — to get yet another ACCESS module. Plug it into the node and continue forward.

You’ll now be in a room with Iziira again, but now they’ll be rampaging the way Tormentors do. Luckily there are portals in here that you can use to hop from one side of the arena to the other. Use these to avoid Iziira until you can take it down to a third health, just like the Subjugator. Grab the ACCESS module, plug it in, and head through one final time.

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

You’ll now be back in the arena you started in and both bosses will be here with you. Take Eexonios out first by running around in circles in order to keep Iziira off of you — burning a Super on the Subjugator is a great play here, if yours is up. Once it’s just you and the Tormentor, carefully plink away at it from the high ground. Grab the chest that appears at the end of the fight and head through the portal at the top of the ramp.

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

Jump up and into the little tunnel on the right of the room. Follow the path forward until you find a bunch of Vex. Just kill the enemies here and then hang a left around the big, stone rectangle. Climb up the rocks to reach some old buildings that you’ll recognize from Venus if you were a player of the original Destiny. Clear the enemies here and then push forward through the mission. Defeat the next round of Vex in the Venus-like area and then go through two portals.

A Guardian find their way through the Encore mission in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

You’ll now be in Maya’s old study, in the Ishtar Research Facility. Look at the dead Exo on the left side of the room, leaning up against the table and interact with it using the “Access Degaussed Exomind” prompt. This will both play some dialogue and give you a Specimen to bring back to Failsafe in the HELM. Follow the path through the study until you reach a dead end. Wait for the dialogue to stop playing and the wall will open. Head down and into the final boss’ arena.

How to defeat Parodos in ‘Encore’ in Destiny 2

Guardians summon Parodos in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

Parodos, Choral Mind, is the final boss of “Encore” and the giant Hydra that has been following you around this entire time. In true Destiny fashion, you’ll need to use everything you’ve learned so far to defeat them. And also in true Destiny fashion, the mechanics are much simpler when you actually have to do them mid-combat. Grab your rally flag and step forward to start the fight.

First, kill the big Vex Minotaur to get a CONNECTION module, then plug it into the node in the middle of the arena. This will cause a bridge to appear, which has a spire switch on it. Access it and then uninstall the CONNECTION module. The boss will then retreat to the back left or right of the room, and a Cyclops will appear on whatever side they move to. Take the module over to that side and plug it into the CONNECTION node there to spawn a massive plate hub. Defeat that Vex that swarm while standing on the red plate. Once you stand there long enough, you’ll activate the plate and create a weak spot on the boss’ shield. Destroy the weak point and get ready to deal some damage.

Guardians battle Parodos in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

When you pop the boss’ shield, wait for it to teleport in front of the plate. Use all the ammo and Supers you can to take the boss’ health down to half in one go — there is an issue where the boss fight can break entirely if you go too slow here, but you shouldn’t have a problem if your entire Fireteam focuses the boss. Once it reaches half health, a red cage will appear around the platform you’re on. Keep dealing damage to the boss while also working to take down the big Minotaur that spawns. Once you hit the next milestone on the boss’s health bar, grab the ACCESS module that drops from the Minotaur and plug it into the portal behind you.

You’ll return to where you first started the fight and Parodos will have another weak point on its shield. Destroy it and then use whatever ammo you have left to finish off the boss. Once it’s dead, grab the chest that appears in the middle of the arena to both complete the mission and earn your new Choir of One Exotic.

What does the Choir of One Exotic auto rifle do in Destiny 2?

A look at the Choir of One Exotic’s perks in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via sbjelectronics

Choir of One is the first of its kind, a Void auto rifle that uses Special ammo instead of Primary. And while it doesn’t have unlimited ammo like its auto rifle brethren, it makes up for it with incredible damage.

Choir of One’s Intrinsic perk is called Command Frame, which causes it to fire extended-range, heavy-caliber bullets at a slow RPM. These bullets deal increased precision damage when aimed down sights. The Fanatical Lance Exotic perk causes rapid kills to create a damaging pool under enemies. Additionally, hip-firing the weapon causes it to shoot a Vex Wyvern shot, which consumes five times the ammo of a normal shot but does extreme damage.

Like all craftable Exotics, you can upgrade the Command Frame in the “Encore” mission, which will allow you to change out the magazine, stock, and barrel perks. You can also earn new Catalysts each week, starting with Subsistence.

Looking for more help with Destiny 2: The Final Shape? Check out our guides on the Salvation’s Edge raid, every Salvation’s Edge challenge, where to find the NES006 specimen, and how to unlock the Khvostov Exotic auto rifle.

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