Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition Will Get Physical Release Exclusively in Europe

Resident Evil 4

Capcom has revealed that Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition will only get a physical release in Europe. According to IGN, the company confirmed that the rest of the world will get Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition as a digital-only release, while players in Europe can get their hands on a physical copy of the game in March.

Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition was announced earlier this week, and is coming to PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S on February 9. The Gold Edition release of the action horror shooter will feature the base game, along with the Separate Ways DLC and the Extra DLC Pack. This will include additional costumes, filters and accessories.

Other features of Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition include two Deluxe Weapons, treasure locations highlighted in the in-game map, and the ability for players to swap the game’s soundtrack to that of the original Resident Evil 4.

Resident Evil 4‘s remake was originally released back in March 2023. The game also got additional story through the Separate Ways DLC. Check out our review of the base game here, and the DLC here.

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