Switch Online Super NES Library Adds Three More Games Including Wrecking Crew '98

A pair of imports and a launch-era classic shooter have been added to the Super Nintendo library for Switch Online’s basic subscription tonight.

  • Super R-Type (1991-92) is the bespoke Super Nintendo version of R-Type II, which added new enemies to the existing classic shooter as well as increasing the difficulty between slowdown and the removal of mid-stage checkpoints. It was previously added to the Wii Virtual Console in 2008, but was removed in 2012.
  • Amazing Hebereke (1994) is a Japan-exclusive four player brawler known as Sugoi Hebereke in its original release, set in an overhead view. The spinoff of the Hebereke (aka Ufouria) series was added to the Super Famicom library in 2020.
  • Wrecking Crew ’98 (1998) combines a competitive puzzle game with a remake of the original 1985 Famicom/NES action game, featuring the Foreman Spike character as later featured in the 2023 Super Mario Bros movie.

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